Thank you for your interest in publishing with the Denver Journal of International Law & Policy. Our Journal welcomes unsolicited manuscripts of timely interest to the international community. Published articles typically explore the intersection of international law and policy and their implications for the larger international community. Book Reviews and Notes are also accepted.
The Denver Journal of International Law & Policy accepts submissions here and through Scholastica.
Manuscript Requirements
When submitting your manuscript, please include an abstract of not more than 150 words and a résumé that includes a statement of academic and professional affiliations. Authors may submit PDF documents. Prior to an offer of acceptance, however, Journal staff must receive all manuscripts in a .doc format.
Manuscripts should be double-spaced and should contain footnotes that comply with the latest edition of The Harvard Law Review Association, A Uniform System of Citation (The Bluebook). Style and grammar should correspond to the latest edition of The Chicago Manual of Style.
Submit Your Manuscript
Use this form to submit your journal article manuscript, cover letter, and résumé.