Critical Analysis: Drone Strikes in Pakistan Surge in the Summer
Though the news media is seemingly all eyes on the Olympics this week, drones have been making magazine covers and headlines as attacks on militants

Critical Analysis: North Korea Recognizes its First Lady
In North Korean media, a mysterious woman has been showing up alongside Kim Jong-un. This woman was seen attending an important gala concert, followed by

Critical Analysis: “Radical Reforms” Likely in the Wake of LIBOR Scandal
In the wake of the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) scandal that cost Barclays Bank 290 million pounds ($455m) in fines and the bank’s CEO

Protected Witness in Mladic Trial Recalls His Survival of a Mass Execution During the Srebrenica Genocide
This is a summary of the Prosecution’s cross examination of witness RM255 on July 19, 2012 in the war crimes case against General Ratko Mladic.

Critical Analysis: U.S. Naval Ship Fires on Indian Pleasure Boat
A U.S. Navy supply ship fired at a small boat in the Persian Gulf on Monday, injuring three people and killing one. United Arab Emirates

International Water Law and the Euphrates Conundrum
Most conversations about Syria and Turkey currently revolve around the Syrian uprising, the regime’s repression of it, and a certain Turkish warplane shot down recently

Hands Off My Patagonia: Chile Leverages its Most Precious Biogem as it Struggles to Satisfy a Growing Need for National Energy
The future of Chile’s Patagonia continues to be a source of steep controversy as a large-scale dam project looms. HidroAysén is the name of the

United States’ First Universal Jurisdiction Prosecution for Piracy
On July 13, 2012, the U.S. Federal District Court for the District of Columbia handed down United States v. Ali Mohamed Ali. This case is

Critical Analysis: The Trans-Pacific Partnership and its Discontents
President Obama is touting the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as a 21st Century trade agreement, a model for everything from industrial goods to Internet services. The

Critical Analysis: Fukushima Reactor and Japanese Nuclear Policy
In the wake of wide-scale protests in Tokyo on June 29 over the restart of two Kansai Electric Power Co. nuclear reactors, the Fukushima Nuclear

Critical Analysis: Tensions Continue After Syrians Down Turkish Warplane
Following the warplane incident on June 22, when Syrian forces shot down a Turkish warplane, Turkish and Syrian relations have become further stressed by additional

Critical Analysis: China’s One Child Policy
A Chinese woman who was forced to abort her 7-month old fetus has found herself in the center of international controversy after she claimed that