
Borrowing from Civil Aviation

Maritime Piracy: Borrowing from Civil Aviation

Maritime piracy off the coast of Somalia continues to spiral into an increasingly threatening international crisis, with attacks in the Gulf of Aden increasing during

Borrowing from Civil Aviation

Maritime Piracy: Borrowing from Civil Aviation

Maritime piracy off the coast of Somalia continues to spiral into an increasingly threatening international crisis, with attacks in the Gulf of Aden increasing during

Pauline Nyiramasuhuko

The First Family of Genocide

The United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda issued its judgment earlier this summer in the case of Pauline Nyiramasuhuko et al. The Rwanda Tribunal

Somali Piracy

Piracy Continues Unabated

The surge of piracy attacks worldwide and their increasing threat to international shipping are indeed alarming.  The Piracy Reporting Center of the International Maritime Bureau

The Great Wall of China

Chinese Perspectives Part 3: Sovereignty

“In the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, the principle of sovereignty ranks first.  It is the main principle to which the other four principles are

InforMEA Logo


This summer, the United Nations launched a website with important implications for the future of international environmental law.  InforMEA, the United Nations Portal on Multilateral

Treaty of Nanjing

Chinese Perspectives Part 2: History

To understand anything about the contemporary Chinese perspective on international law, one must have a cursory understanding of China’s history of international relations. In this

Judge Xue Hanqin

Chinese Perspectives Part 1: Introduction

In 1984, the People’s Republic of China’s preeminent scholar of international law, Wang Tieya, taught a Special Course at the Hague Academy of International Law