70 Years of Justice

This week we celebrate a very important birthday – on April 18th, 1946, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) was born. Since its birth 70 years ago, the ICJ has had the opportunity to hear 161 cases. These cases have been entered from large countries like the United States and the former Soviet Union all … Read more

An argument for consecutive sentencing at International Tribunals

Lady Justice

On August 2nd, a Guatamalan court convicted four former soldiers for the murder of 201 people during the Guatamalan civil war in the 1980s. The court sentenced the four to 12,060 years each, which represents 60 years per victim – 30 for murder and 30 for a crime against humanity. Contrast that sentence with that … Read more

UN Principles of Corporate Responsibility Fall Short

The UN recently adopted a set of guiding principles based on the dual responsibility of governments and companies to protect human rights against corporate abuse, but it misses the mark. Why don’t we hold businesses to a higher standard? Who should be responsible for setting the proper standards for corporations? Summary: Governments and companies have … Read more