The United States has imposed “unprecedented” sanctions on Russia in response to the country’s invasion of Ukraine.[1]Sanctions are a coercive foreign policy tool that can take the form of “trade embargoes; restrictions on particular exports or imports; denial of foreign assistance, loans, and investments; blocking of foreign assets under U.S. jurisdiction; and prohibition on economic … Read more

Russia and Ukraine: Redefining the Global Order

War has arrived in Eastern Europe. On February 24, Russian armed forces invaded Ukraine[1]. The invasion, hallmarked already by indiscriminate civilian area bombing, threatens to become Europe’s deadliest conflict since the Second World War[2]. Yet, despite its dramatic buildup, the Russian invasion has not gone to plan. Vladimir Putin’s calculus has backfired; his incursion is stalled … Read more

Cultivating Hemp: Potential for a Global Impact

In today’s consumer-driven world, identifying and implementing sustainable methods has increasingly become a standard seen across all industries. Whether it is a manufacturer attempting to make their product with less environmentally harmful materials, or the individual consumer choosing to purchase a sustainable product, the emphasis on sustainability is being echoed at all levels. Interestingly, it … Read more

Navigating a Political Minefield?

The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is an ethnic and territorial dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia.[1] The complex origins of the conflict were initially influenced by Soviet-era land distribution policies in the 1920’s, and recently revitalized by Azerbaijani forces in 2020 that were motivated in part by systemically cultivated animus and in part by political pressure from Turkey.[2] … Read more

A Pandemic Treaty to Save the Succulents?

Dudleya, a North American genus of small succulent plants, sometimes called live-forevers, are being ripped from their habitat and smuggled out of the country for high profits.[1] One recent smuggler was apprehended with $150,000 worth of live Dudleya bound for Asia.[2] Just as poachers supply illegal markets of elephant ivory and rhino horn, poachers also … Read more

Unfit to be Retained: Repatriating Nigeria’s Benin Bronzes

Last year, Jesus College of Cambridge returned an artifact known as a Benin Bronze to its native country of Nigeria.[1] It was a sculpture of a cockerel and is one of at least 3,000 artifacts that British soldiers took during a punitive, violent raid of Benin City in 1897.[2] By returning this artifact, Cambridge has … Read more

EU’s 27 Shades of Green

The European Union is determined to turn Europe into the first climate neutral and carbon neutral continent by 2050 as announced by Ursula von der Leyden, the president of the European Commission, on December 11, 2019.[1]  It was at this time, that the EU Commission unveiled The European Green Deal.[2]  In a nutshell, The European … Read more

Does the EU’s Proposed Designation of Nuclear Power and Natural Gas as Green Investments Make Sense?

On February 2, 2022, the European Commission (“Commission”) approved in principle the Complementary Delegated Act, a document that sets forth technical criteria for designating nuclear power and natural gas projects as sustainable.[1] Such designation will enable certain nuclear and gas projects to become part of the European Union’s (“EU”) taxonomy for sustainable activities — a … Read more

The Privacy Problem Presented by Clearview AI

In early 2020, the New York Times reported that a previously unheard-of company, Clearview AI, was engaging in something notable.[1] Their mission was to create a facial recognition program that used images from public sites like Facebook and Twitter to create a facial recognition database.[2]  Clearview AI accomplishes this through a practice called “scraping”, where … Read more

Climate Migration: Deficiencies in Current International Policies

According to the International Organization for Migration, climate migrants are people who due to sudden or gradual changes in the environment, which have a negative effect on their living conditions, are forced to abandon their homes, temporarily or permanently, and move to other parts of their own country or outside it.[1] These environmental changes are … Read more