Legalization of soft-drugs: views from the U.S. and Italy

On June 14, 2017, legal experts from the US and Italy gathered at the Law School of the University of Naples “Federico II” to discuss the challenges and perspectives of soft-drugs legalization, in the context of the inaugural colloquium of the international convention set up between the nearly 800-year old Italian law school and Denver … Read more

Understanding the Syrian Refugee Crisis and How Refugees Receive Asylum in the United States: Part 3

This third installment focusing on Syrian refugees will address what a refugee goes through when he or she finally makes it to the United States and what we, especially those of us in Colorado, can do to help. Once a refugee has passed the security clearance screening, they then fly to one of five designated … Read more

Understanding the Syrian Refugee Crisis and How Refugees Receive Asylum in the United States: Part 2

The first part of this three-part series explained what the causes of the Syrian Refugee Crisis are and where the crisis stands now. The second portion of this series will explore the process a Syrian refugee must go through to receive asylum in the United States. This is important information for all of us to … Read more

Understanding the Syrian Refugee Crisis and How Refugees Receive Asylum in the United States: Part 1

The Syrian Refugee Crisis is not only a problem for residents in Europe and the Middle East; it is a problem for all members of the global community. The Syrian Refugee Crisis has become an issue in Europe and the Middle East because the war has created a massive influx of refugees who need food, … Read more

RICO Did Not Intend to Rebut the Presumption Against Extraterritoriality

On June 20, 2016, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down its opinion in RJR Nabisco, Inc. et al. v. European Community et al., recognizing that in some cases the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (“RICO”) may have extraterritorial application. The Court further held that in order to bring a private cause … Read more

Time to Rethink the Continuing State of Emergency in Turkey

After a failed military coup in Turkey on July 15, 2016, the Turkish government decided to declare a state of emergency to take required measures in the fight against the putschists, and return to normalcy as soon as possible. Considering the extension of the state of emergency to six months, and all measures taken in … Read more

Venezuela in Crisis: A Socialist Dystopia

City-wide protests have occurred daily throughout Venezuela, a politically divided and economically destitute country, which was once South America’s wealthiest nation. Police meet protesters with rampant arrests, tear gas, and rubber bullets. Since the beginning of April, hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans have protested President Nicolás Maduro’s socialist government and its perpetration of the nation’s … Read more

Tobacco Trademarks in Peril: Australian Courts Can’t Be Bothered

The unreasonable expropriation of intellectual property or the advancement of public health? This was the question posed by Philip Morris Asia Limited v. The Commonwealth of Australia. In 2011, Australia passed its “plain packaging legislation,” creating restrictions on the fonts, size, colors, and location of tobacco brand marks on product packaging. The legislation also requires … Read more

Trump Versus the World

With the recent change of government in the United States (“U.S.”), there have been considerable reactions on the international level. To begin, many nations have expressed their incredible disdain for the choice of president, ranging from petitions to protests to motions to reduce trade with the U.S. Second, there is discussion of there being improper … Read more

A Look Back: From the Death of Justice Antonin Scalia to the Nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch

While The View From Above generally posts on issues and topics concerning international law, I believe it prudent to address President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee—which will surely have a future impact on international law and the role the United States plays in it. This post briefly analyzes the following in response to the passing of … Read more