Climate Refugees: A Lack of Protection and a Growing Concern for What Comes Next

Currently, there is no widely accepted definition or consensus on who constitutes a climate refugee.[1] Yet millions of people are displaced internally or across borders each year.[2] In response to natural disasters, many flee first to another location within their home country.[3] For example, 8.7 million people were internally displaced by disasters in 2022.[4] While … Read more

Plurilateral Agreements: The Solution for an Imperfect World

For the World Trade Organization (WTO) to remain relevant in world trade, it must supplement the traditional approach of only pursuing multilateral agreements by embracing plurilateral agreements on important trade topics. Although plurilateral agreements should not replace multilateral agreements all together, they should be used for pressing trade issues to ensure the WTO stays relevant … Read more

Piracy and UNCLOS: Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions

For much of human history, the management of the oceans and seas followed an informal system, described in the seventeenth century as the “freedom-of-the-seas” doctrine.[1] But as globalization connected the world in new ways, a clear need arose for a state to formally claim its natural resources.[2] Such a claim provided a state with the … Read more

The Forgotten Victims: The Fight for Sexual and Reproductive Autonomy Among Women and Girls During the Russian-Ukrainian Armed Conflict

In the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian armed conflict, which began on February 24, 2022 with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a poignant narrative emerges.[1] Ukrainian women and girls are courageously advocating for their sexual and reproductive autonomy amid human rights violations, stemming from invasion-related sexual and reproductive abuse.[2] This crisis transcends Ukrainian borders, as conflict-related sexual and gender-based … Read more

The ‘Catastrophic’ Implications of Unregulated Artificial Intelligence Warfare

Today’s unprecedented warfare advancements include the integration of artificial intelligence (“AI”), permitting pre-programmed computers to complete specific tasks based on generated algorithms.[1] Described as the “third revolution in warfare,”[2] AI weaponry can target individuals suspected of terrorist activity by collecting, analyzing, and combining data sources through an AI image recognition system, such as drone footage … Read more

Incarceration After the Assent of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act

On a global scale, there has been increasing involvement of the carceral state in issues of gender. This is demonstrated by contemporary legislation punishing homosexuality, conversations around gender identity, and the divergence from a binary gender identity. Discrimination is exacerbated by the effects of global democratic backsliding. Democratic backsliding refers to the elimination of political … Read more

The Overlooked Dangers of the US-China Semiconductor Rivalry

Few technologies are as vital to modern society as semiconductors—without them, most technological devices cannot function.[1] Consequently, any interruption to the semiconductor production process is guaranteed to create problems in critical industries.[2] The semiconductor shortage caused by COVID-19 forced automakers like Toyota and General Motors to suspend production for weeks and debilitated an otherwise strong … Read more

Women and Anti-Corruption: International Policy Strategies to Safeguard Women’s Access to Essential Services

Corruption, a pervasive global phenomenon, poses a significant impediment to development and economic growth.[1] The standard definition of corruption is the “misuse of entrusted power for private gain.”[2] While its impacts are felt across all strata of society, women often bear a disproportionate burden.[3] This article delves into the critical issue of corruption’s impact on … Read more

The U.N. Human Trafficking Protocol and an Examination of the 2022 Trafficking in Persons Report

Over the past century, human trafficking has become a prevalent issue on the global stage. Often conceptualized as a form of modern-day slavery, it has taken hold of an estimated 27.6 million victims worldwide.[1] One of the first instruments to internationally recognize human trafficking was the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking … Read more