Critical Analysis: Hunt for African Warlord Joseph Kony Comes to A Halt

Ugandan and American troops have suspended their joint hunt for war crimes suspect Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army (“LRA”) due to political turmoil in the Central African Republic, where rebel groups unaffiliated with Kony seized power and forced President Francois Bozize to flee the country. A Ugandan army spokesman told reporters that the … Read more

Critical Analysis: What’s up with North Korea?

Since being sanctioned by the UN in March for carrying out a third nuclear test, Pyongyang has threatened nuclear strikes on the US, formally declared war on the South, and pledged to reopen a nuclear reactor in blatant defiance of UN Security Council resolutions. On Friday, North Korea warned it would not be able to … Read more

How Does International Law Apply to Cyberwarfare? New Manual Provides Guidelines – a Good First Step

How should nations behave in the face of cyber attacks? Can you distinguish between civilians and combatants in cyberspace? Are the laws of war capable of guiding actions in the age of cyber conflict? The newly released Tallinn Manual addresses these and many other questions about modernizing international law to address cyber war. The latest … Read more

A Co-Conspirator or a Casualty? A Second Look at Asma, wife of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad

Asma al-Assad

She doesn’t have bruises. She adorns photos and televisions with a near-perfect, pearly-white smile and a haircut fit for a queen. She’s a first lady who’s chic and fashionable. She laughs and jokes with gusto—even stating once that she was the “real” dictator of the family, and not her husband. But once a friendly face … Read more

Are Current U.N. Sanctions Insufficient to Deter North Korea’s Nuclear Proliferation?

2013 Nuclear Test While the exact details remain unknown, on February 13, 2013, North Korea conducted its first nuclear test since 2010.  Early morning reports of February 13 included a large seismic event located near a prior North Korean underground nuclear test site.  Following this report, the Korean Central News Agency released a government statement … Read more

Critical Analysis: Proposed United Nations Arms Trade Treaty

Governmental leaders began meeting the week of March 18, 2013, to once again discuss the possibility of a U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (Arms Treaty) that would regulate the $60 billion global arms trade.  The desire to create regulations governing the global trade of conventional arms arose in 2006.  The General Assembly of the United Nations … Read more

An Indecent Proposal: Cyprus Setting A Dangerous Precedent

When stuck between a rock and a hard place, what is the right course? The tiny island of Cyprus is forced to choose the best of only bad options. After years of over zealous banking leading to an oversized financial sector, Cyprus’ economy has finally snapped. Continuing the trend of failing European Union countries, Cyprus … Read more

Critical Analysis: International Movement to Ban Products Using Animal Research

It took 20 years of campaigning and several delays, but on March 11, 2013, the European Union law went in to effect to ban cosmetic products and their ingredients that use research on animals. The ban stipulates that no new products tested on animals will be imported in the EU. This ban will include products … Read more

Critical Analysis: Egyptians Protest Christian’s Death in Libyan Prison

On March 11, Egyptian protestors burned a flag belonging to the Libyan Embassy in Cairo to protest the death of an Egyptian Christian suspected of proselytizing in Libya. The Egyptian Christian, Ezzat Atallah, died in prison where he was detained in Libya with four other Egyptians – all charged with spreading Christianity.  While the Egyptian … Read more

Critical Analysis: Eccentric 90’s American Basketball Player Attempts Diplomacy – Korean War Reignites

  Late last month, Dennis Rodman traveled to North Korea to try his hand at unsanctioned “Basketball Diplomacy.”  More famous for his antics off the court, Rodman was a power forward for, among several other teams, the 1995 – 1998 championship winning Chicago Bulls.  Modeled after the ping pong diplomacy that the United States and … Read more