The Digital Markets Act: Is Europe Better Equipped to Rein in the Power of Big Tech?

A pivot in leadership is unfolding across the Atlantic as Margrethe Vestager announced her exit as Europe’s chief competition regulator to launch her candidacy to head the European Investment Bank.[1] Under her auspices, the European Union (“EU”) led the charge against the world’s largest tech companies,[2] with the spotlight often gleaming on companies like Google, … Read more

Examining the Costs of Emigration for North Africans to Italy

On September 14, 2023, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi released a decree stating that asylum seekers will need to pay a $5,000 (US) dollar fine to avoid waiting in a detention center while their applications are under review.[1] The decree was promulgated as a direct result of an influx of North African migrants into Italy, … Read more

Water Resource Hegemony: China’s Control of the Mekong

Families struggling to maintain their fishing businesses is an unfortunate reality in Laos. Most countries in the Lower Mekong River Basin share this bleak reality. In the past two decades, the water level and quality of the Mekong River in Eastern Asia have declined rapidly.[1] Stretching 2,700 miles, the Mekong is the world’s 12th longest … Read more

The Rise and Fall of the Right to Education for Afghan Women

On April 6, 2023, the White House released a twelve-page document which “outlines the key decisions and challenges surrounding the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.”[1] A sensitive topic given the hyper partisan nature of politics in the United States today. However, lost in this debate are discussions of those who have suffered the most from the … Read more

Bubbles: The Correlation of Law and Financial Policy

Over the centuries, economies across numerous nations have periodically been subject to asset price bubbles. An asset price bubble is a market phenomenon characterized by surges in asset prices to levels significantly above the fundamental value of that asset.[1] Dating back to the Dutch tulip mania bubble of the early 17th century, speculation drove the value of tulip bulbs to … Read more

Chat GPT and the EU AI Act: Will New Regulations be Added?

In early 2023, ChatGPT took the world by storm.[1] Many flocked to its website to generate poems, articles, and exam answers to see what it was capable of.[2] It is much more advanced than most anticipated.[3] Its surprising level of advancement has led many people and corporations to discuss its potential productivity benefits.[4] Despite all … Read more

The Truth Behind Disinformation: Russia’s Use of False Information to Create a Narrative for the War with Ukraine

In our current society, we are constantly inundated with information. The average American reportedly consumes 34 gigabytes of information every day.[1] That is the equivalent of playing over 15,000 hours of Fortnight or scrolling for 94 hours on TikTok.[2] Information can be falsified in order to change a person’s perception of reality and is used … Read more

Examining the Slave Trade and Origins of International Human Rights Law

Before the international human rights law regime was established, international law guided and colluded in many human rights atrocities which disregarded the rights of certain human beings and created an international system used to exploit these individuals.[1]             The use of human beings as slaves was made an international economy; this immoral system was developed … Read more

Gone for Good? International Operation to Dismantle Gensis Market Demonstrates How Success in Policing Transnational Cybercrime is Limited by Jurisdiction

           The Justice Department recently announced an international coordinated operation to dismantle Genesis Market, “a criminal online marketplace that advertised and sold packages of account access credentials–like usernames and passwords for email, bank accounts, and social media–that had been stolen from malware infected computers around the world.”[1] This concerted international effort … Read more