Discarded Women: Gender Based Violence in Mexico

Mourners singing hymns and carrying caskets is a common sight in Mexico. The rate of violence against women in Mexico is staggering; on average, ten women are murdered every day while tens of thousands of women go missing.[1] In the city of Ciudad Juárez alone, over four hundred women have been brutally murdered in the … Read more

Combatting Racism Through International Law & Policy: A Paradox?

One must recognize the daunting role racism has historically and currently plays in international law and policy formation and research. In the United States, recent movements by civic organizations animate links between domestic and international politics; human rights restrictions for minority individuals in the U.S. resonates globally.[1] While the United Nations has recognized their intention … Read more

Investigating War Crimes: Are U.S. Officials Hypocrites?

Since the Russian invasion and subsequent war in Ukraine, U.S. President Joe Biden has called for an investigation into Vladimir Putin, calling him a war criminal.[1] President Biden asked for evidence to be gathered on Putin’s army in Ukraine and that the Russian president stand trial for these war crimes. [2] This raises concerns and … Read more

Commercial Remote Sensing: The National Security Dilemma

         In the advent of the “space race,” when the Soviet Union launched the world’s first artificial satellite, Sputnik I, Lyndon Johnson declared that “control of space means control of the world.”[1] The U.S. quickly followed suit with Explorer I.[2] Having started the space race in second place, domestic providers are pushing … Read more

Does Privatization Require Policy for Reform?

Introduction Governments are controlled by people, and where there are people, there is a human tendency toward self-preservation. This can influence people to prioritize agendas that achieve specific individual goals over those that more broadly support society. The extent of such influence on government action is evident in numerous instances of privatization. While privatization can … Read more

Global Tax Accord: Economic Diplomacy or Imminent Sanctions?

In October 2021, Janet Yellen championed the Global Tax Accord (“GTA”), aimed at multinational corporations and tax avoidance, calling the occasion a “historic day for economic diplomacy.”[1] In August 2022, Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (“IRA22”), which included a minimum tax. Though the IRA22’s minimum tax appears like the global minimum tax, … Read more

The Path to Legal Personhood for Rivers

The Rights of Nature Framework poses the idea that aspects of our ecosystem, such as rivers and forests, are entitled to certain fundamental rights in the same way as humans.[1] The Rights of Rivers organization has suggested to government officials across the globe to adopt the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Rivers, which guarantees … Read more

Global Climate Change: Collapse of Property Law

With the increasing amount of climate catastrophes occurring around the world daily, it is easy to wonder how global climate change impacts property law. In Pakistan, cataclysmic flooding, triggered by unprecedented monsoon rainfall and glacial melting, has killed over 1,000 people.[1] The monsoon continued destroying hundreds of thousands of homes and millions of acres of … Read more