Part 6: Mianzi, Chinese Perspectives and Chinese Practice

Old and New China

Upon reflection, two divergent themes emerged from Judge Xue’s lectures.  Much of what she said made me realize that Western apprehension over China’s rapid ascension is somewhat misplaced and that the Chinese government is serious about using its power to improve the lives of its people.  It gave me confidence that China is likely to … Read more

Chinese Perspectives Part 5: Human Rights

Protester in China

Like sustainable development, Chinese promotion of human rights is seen as both a cause and a process – one that should be pursued at all times, but with an incremental approach resulting in changes that will be slow in coming.  In the past three decades, China’s process of opening up has lifted 300 million people … Read more

Chinese Perspectives Part 3: Sovereignty

The Great Wall of China

“In the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, the principle of sovereignty ranks first.  It is the main principle to which the other four principles are related.  It is linked to territorial integrity and supplemented by the principles of non-intervention and non-aggression.  Equality and mutual benefit is the concrete expression of the sovereignty of a State, … Read more

Corporate Human Rights Responsibilities a Huge Step Forward

The United Nations

This month, the once vague idea that businesses have duties toward human rights became explicit. The United Nations Human Rights Council unanimously endorsed the Guiding Principles for the Implementation of the UN Protect, Respect and Remedy Framework, a document the UN itself called “unprecedented.” It is more than that: it’s game-changing. The vote of the … Read more

UN Principles of Corporate Responsibility Fall Short

The UN recently adopted a set of guiding principles based on the dual responsibility of governments and companies to protect human rights against corporate abuse, but it misses the mark. Why don’t we hold businesses to a higher standard? Who should be responsible for setting the proper standards for corporations? Summary: Governments and companies have … Read more