The Agitator: IHL permits limited reprisal attacks against civilians

The London Blitz

An oft-stated axiom of international humanitarian law is that civilians can never be targeted in armed conflict, enshrined by rules 48, 51(2) and 52(2) of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions.  The International Committee for the Red Cross study of customary law affirms that under customary law civilians can not be targeted. However, the United … Read more

Subjecting Video Games to IHL: Big Waste of Time or Biggest Waste of Time Ever?

Isn't this a UNESCO World Heratige Site?

Despite the fact that I am a law student with an Evidence final tomorrow, I had to take a minute and write about a development that would be hilarious if it were not so damaging.  At the 31st International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in Geneva, members of the ICRC discussed whether … Read more