Critical Analysis: French President Visits Mali as French Troops Battle Islamist Militants

On February 2nd, French President Francois Hollande visited Mali, where French forces have been battling Islamist militants.  “We are serving a cause defined within the United Nations’ framework … to bring the entire Malian territory under the legitimate authority of the Malian president and then the leaders who will be elected by the Malians,” stated … Read more

Critical Analysis: Mali’s Plea for Help Results in French Troops

After a plea from Mali’s interim president, Dioncounda Traoré, French troops were sent in last Thursday to help combat an Islamic group, closely associated with Al Qaeda, that has taken over parts of Northern Mali. The group has instituted Shariah Law in the region, dealing out harsh punishments such as hand and feet amputations, whippings, … Read more

Critical Analysis: Conflict is Brewing in Northern Mali

This land-locked, former French colony, nestled in the Sahara Desert could become a key point for the next war on terrorism as attacks against civilians in the north grow more brutal.  Radical Islamists have transformed vast stretches of desert in the north into an enclave for al-Qaeda militants and other jihadists.  They have imposed a … Read more