Critical Analysis: High Stakes for GLBTQ Community in Uganda

After a controversy spanning five years, Ugandan President Museveni signed a bill into law expanding the criminalization of homosexuality in Uganda.  GLBTQ individuals could now face up to life imprisonment.  Besides an inherent anti-GLBTQ sentiment, the rhetoric surrounding the passage of the bill has been strongly anti-colonial and anti-West.  Decried by nations and NGO’s as … Read more

Critical Analysis: Hunt for African Warlord Joseph Kony Comes to A Halt

Ugandan and American troops have suspended their joint hunt for war crimes suspect Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army (“LRA”) due to political turmoil in the Central African Republic, where rebel groups unaffiliated with Kony seized power and forced President Francois Bozize to flee the country. A Ugandan army spokesman told reporters that the … Read more