298 Deaths with a Single Missile

On July 17, 2014 Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot out the sky at 33,000 feet above eastern Ukraine killing all 298 people on board. The cause of the 298 deaths can be attributed to the fighting between Ukraine and pro-Russian rebels during the Crimean crisis. However, it has not been confirmed whether the Ukrainian … Read more

Critical Analysis: Responding to the crisis facing internally displaced people in Ukraine

As fighting intensifies and peace talks remain on rocky ground, the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine increases with each day that passes. One aspect of the crisis in Ukraine is the massive surge in numbers of internally displaced people. Reports of nearly 600,000 asylum seekers fleeing Ukraine, do not include the nearly one million internally displaced … Read more

Critical Analysis: Russia seeks “100% Guarantee” Ukraine will not join NATO

November 25, 2014 A spokesman for Russian president Vladimir Putin told the BBC on Tuesday that Russia was nervous about NATO’s expansion towards its borders, and called for the West to make a “100% guarantee that no one would think about Ukraine joining NATO.” This may be the first time that the Russian government has … Read more

Critical Analysis: The Economic Impact of Russian Sanctions

  Introduction The US is ready to impose further sanctions on Russia for its continuing activities in Ukraine, and the markets are once more faced with uncertainty. This announcement is the latest development in US and EU exchanges with Russia over events in Ukraine and suspected Russian involvement. In November 2013, Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych … Read more

Critical Analysis: What does territory annexation and secession look like in the modern world?

Russia’s recent annexation of Ukraine raises an interesting question: What is required for legal territory annexation or secession under international law? It is illegal under international law to annex territory by coercion or force, but the possibility remains that one country can annex the territory of another through “legal” means. Russia’s actions in annexing Crimea … Read more

Critical Analysis: Hope for Ukrainian Democracy with the Parliament and the Protesters

Major upheaval in the Ukrainian government followed fiery and deadly protests in Kiev’s Independence Square last week.  Parliament ousted President Viktor Yanukovych and declared a new interim president.  Two groups, members of parliament (“MPs”) and hoards of protesters, played an integral part in the changes in Ukraine.  Maintaining the tentative peace in Ukraine depends in … Read more