Critical Analysis: Energy’s Impact on Millenium Development Goals

On November 9, 2013, panelists of the 45th Annual Sutton Colloqium discussed how energy plays into economic development and sustainability in developing countries, which comes at a time when many doubt the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (“MDGs”) by the 2015 target date.  The MDGs aim to eliminate extreme poverty and hunger, provide universal … Read more

Critical Analysis: U.S. B-52s Cause More Buzz Over Disputed Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands

On Monday, November 26, the United States sent two B-52 bombers over a group of disputed islands in the East China Sea after China recently declared that the islands were within the country’s air defense zone. The disputed islands, called the Diaoyu Islands by the Chinese, and the Senkaku Islands by the Japanese, are at … Read more

Critical Analysis: Russia Still Under International Scrutiny for Imprisonment of Greenpeace Activists

After two months of imprisonment in Russia, nine Greenpeace activists were released on Tuesday, November 19th, by a St. Petersburg court order. The activists, who were among 30 imprisoned since September, still face charges of “hooliganism” for protesting offshore oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean. The detainment of these individuals, who hail from countries including … Read more

Critical Analysis: Another Olympics, Another Human Rights Situation

In 2008, the International Olympic Committee was widely criticized for allowing China to showcase Beijing while not adequately addressing human rights concerns.  Five years later, the IOC is now embroiled in another human rights situation, as Sochi, Russia, will host the 2014 winter Olympics.  The 2014 Sochi Olympics have been criticized for a number of … Read more

Critical Analysis: Can We Abolish the United Nations Security Council Veto? Thoughts in Honor of the +100,000 People Dead So Far In Syria

In a previous article on this blog, I discussed a tradition particular to this school –that of Myres McDougal – a tradition I am proud to be a part of. Myres McDougal advocated for law to be a subtle mixture of positive rule and moral aspiration. He emphasized that “the global public order of human … Read more

Critical Analysis: Proceed with Caution: Keeping Your Electronically Stored Information in the Cloud

In an era driven by technology, there are an ever-increasing number of corporations choosing to store their information electronically (“ESI”). ESI is anything that can be stored on an electronic medium system, such as: emails, spreadsheets, databases, images, etc. Further, because ESI is voluminous, corporations are storing it in server farms or, to the layperson, … Read more

Critical Analysis: Does the Use of a Captive-Bred Endangered Species Promote its Propagation and Survival?

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (“FWS”) is a federal agency within the Department of Interior which has been delegated the responsibility for the day-to-day administration of the Endangered Species Act (“ESA”). The purpose of the ESA is to “provide a means whereby the ecosystems upon which endangered species and threatened species may be conserved, … Read more

Critical Analysis: Internet Surveillance Concerns Spark International Response

In May 2013, NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked classified documents relating to mass surveillance programs igniting a long overdue international conversation concerning the legal rights and protections of data and digital communications in the internet age. Initially the media focused on the compelling story of Snowden’s decision to sacrifice his comfortable lifestyle and personal privacy … Read more

Critical Analysis: China and a Clean Energy Future

When Chinese authorities fired up numerous coal-fired power plants in the northern province of Heilongjiang, a dense cloud of smog descended upon the city of Harbin.  As air pollution soared high above what the World Health Organization deems “safe”, schools, airports, and roads shut down.  With winter descending, people are left wondering whether smog clouds … Read more

Critical Analysis: Tobacco and Trans-Pacific Trade

The United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Vietnam, and five other countries stand to gain a great deal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (“TPP”), a potential lucrative regional trade agreement. The agreement would further lower tariffs and other trade barriers to commerce. However, countries have not been able to agree on how the issue … Read more