The Esquire: An Interview with Francois Roux

Francois Roux has been an attorney for 38 years. In that time, he has represented defendants before various international criminal jurisdictions such as the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Criminal Court. His previous defendants include the Cambodian genocide leader Comrade Duch and 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui. Mr. Roux recently joined the Special Tribunal … Read more

Critical Analysis: China’s ‘Rebalancing’ Through Urbanization

Chinese officials recently announced their intention to move 250 million rural residents into cities over the next decade in an effort to reform China’s economy. The goal is to create a new class of urban consumers and increase demand domestically, thereby making economic growth more sustainable. The policy follows in the footsteps of previous actions … Read more

Critical Analysis: An Investigation into Russia’s “Foreign Agent” NGO Laws

In November of 2012, Russian Parliament passed a new law requiring Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that receive funding from foreign governments and participate in political activities to classify themselves as foreign agents.  Under the 2012 law, any NGO that fails to classify itself as a foreign agent would face fines. The election monitor Golos was the … Read more

Critical Analysis: Does Snowden have a “Right to Asylum?”

Edward Snowden has become America’s newest celebrity.  The former National Security Agency employee has been charged with espionage by the United States after leaking top secret documents on U.S. surveillance program PRISM.   Snowden left Hong Kong in late June, looking for a safe haven, arriving in Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport on June 23.  Since then, he … Read more

Critical Analysis: An “Imperial Skyjacking”

After attending a conference in Moscow, Bolivian president Eva Morales boarded a private airplane and began his journey home. However, shortly after departure, the plane was diverted to Vienna, Austria, a detour not originally planned by the president or his crew. Upon landing, it was reported that France, Portugal, Italy, and Spain had refused to … Read more

Critical Analysis: Australia and Japan head to the ICJ

From June 26th to July 16th the International Court of Justice (ICJ) will hear arguments from Australia and Japan over the dispute concerning Japan’s whaling program. This will be Japan’s first appearance as a party before the ICJ. The court proceeding began in 2010 and has so far cost Australia over $20 million dollars. Australia … Read more

Corporations Have a Duty to Practice Public Responsibility

Garment factory collapse

It took the disastrous collapse of a building in Bangladesh that housed several garment factories and the loss of more than 1,000 lives for the world to begin to pay attention to the plight of garment workers there. The workers are paid the minimum monthly wage of about $37, occasionally go unpaid, and protesters are … Read more

How Germany Surpassed Great Britain … Economically At Least

Angela Merkel and David Cameron

In the wake of Prime Minister David Cameron’s call for a voter referendum on Britain’s membership in the EU, new grassroots groups have sprung up supporting a renegotiation of Britain’s EU membership.[1]  While Britain considers removing itself from the EU entirely, Germany has emerged as a powerful leader in the EU.  Some scholars have gone … Read more

Critical Analysis: Bangladeshi Garment Factory Nightmares

  A woman was recently pulled out of the rubble of an eight-story building that collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh.  She was alive and had survived, buried in the rubble, for seventeen days.  She was one of the fortunate ones who survived this deadly industrial accident with a death toll of over one thousand people and … Read more

Critical Analysis: Judge Overturns Acquittal in Amanda Knox Murder Trial

The Amanda Knox saga is far from over, as Italy’s highest court overturned a judgment of acquittal and has ordered a new trial. The initial conviction, which came in 2009 in Perugia, Italy, followed a highly publicized and sensationalized trial. After deliberating for 12 hours, a jury convicted  Knox and her boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, for … Read more