A New Era of Corporate Accountability: Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence

The “Business and Human Rights Galaxy” that governs corporate accountability for human rights abuses in supply chains lacks sufficient legal incentives for businesses to adhere.[1] In 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Council endorsed the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, establishing a global standard of practice expected of all States and businesses.[2] The … Read more

The Biden Administration’s Incrementalism is Failing Asylees: The Domestic Violence Decision That Does Not Go Far Enough

President Biden has failed to fulfill his commitment to creating a more humane asylum system.  The administration has continued some of the most egregious Trump-era policies[1] and even where they have reversed Trump-era policies, they have done so only incrementally.  This has prevented any meaningful change to the current state of mass human rights abuses.  … Read more

Steven Donziger: The Confinement of a Human Rights Lawyer

Steven Donziger is a human rights lawyer who has battled Chevron for as long as I have been alive.  He has been on house arrest for over 800 days and, on Friday, October 1, 2021, Mr. Donziger was sentenced to “six months imprisonment … for criminal contempt charges arising from a lawsuit brought by the … Read more

The Case for a Comprehensive U.S. Privacy and Data Protection Law

In 2016, the European Parliament and European Council adopted the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”),[1] a set of comprehensive data protection rules[2] enshrining seven principles that govern the control and processing of data: (1) lawfulness, fairness and transparency; (2) purpose limitation; (3) data minimization; (4) accuracy; (5) storage limitation; (6) integrity and confidentiality;[3] and (7) accountability.[4]  Data controllers are held accountable through … Read more

Poland’s Challenge to the Primacy of EU Law: Who is Right and Who is Wrong?

On October 7, 2021, Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal (the “Constitutional Court”) issued a ruling declaring that the country’s constitution (the “Constitution”) is a supreme law relative to certain interpretations of article 1 (first and second subparagraphs), article 2, article 4(3), and article 19(1) (second subparagraph) of the Treaty on European Union (the “TEU”).[1] A twelve-judge panel … Read more

Beyond Vaccine Diplomacy: The U.S. Push for Expanded Access to COVID Vaccines

As the pace of vaccinations slows in the U.S.,[1] countries like India are eager to get their hands on extra vaccine doses currently sitting in storage in the U.S.[2] On May 17, 2021 President Biden announced an expansion in COVID-19 vaccine exports, bringing the total number of vaccine doses exported to 80 million by the … Read more

America’s New Floating Black-Sites

The exploitation of grey areas in international law created floating prisons, black-sites, and the potential for and the probability of grave human rights violations. In its quest to protect American citizens, the United States continuously stretches the boundaries of legal construction to justify morally reprehensible behavior in the name of “national security.” A seemingly infinite … Read more

The Trump Administration’s New “Peace in the Middle East”: What does that Mean for Palestine?

On September 15, 2020, the Trump White House brokered the Abraham Accords between Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Bahrain, recognizing the normalization of relations between the three Middle Eastern states.[1] From the Trump administration’s perspective, this peace agreement bolsters President Trump’s image as a peacemaker and reaffirms the United States’ promise to, “help … Read more

International Patent Registration: The PCT System

The patent system was created to give inventors the right to “exclude others from making, selling, or using [their] invention.”[1] Patent owners therefore want widespread protection both in the country in which the invention was created or is predominantly used and international protection. There is not, at this time, a single, all-encompassing international patent application. … Read more