Post Chávez Venezuela: The End of “21st Century Socialism” or Just New Management?

Venezuela’s controversial President Hugo Chávez died on March 5, 2013, after struggling with cancer since June 2011.  As Venezuela prepares for the presidential election that is scheduled for April 14th, many wonder how Chávez’s death will impact Venezuela’s place in the international community.  Chávez was a polarizing figure with enthusiastic supporters, and equally enthusiastic critics, … Read more

Critical Analysis: Environmental Threats to Human Security and International Law’s Response

International Law Weekend-West was held the weekend of February 2nd at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law.  The conference addressed a number of issues that should be on the forefront of the minds of all international lawyers who seek to address threats to human security.  The first panel’s topic (“Environmental Threats to Human … Read more

Is it Time for a More Robust Registration Convention?

Rocket Launch

In December 2004, the United States representative to the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) commented that the Registration Convention—the international treaty mandating that states provide certain location and function information about things they launch into space—serves three purposes: it provides traffic management information to the spacefaring community, enhances safety, and … Read more

Human Security, International Law, and Corporate Social Responsibility

UN Global Compact

On March 2nd, Douglas Scrivner, adjunct professor of law at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law and former General Counsel of Accenture, spoke at the 2013 Western Regional Conference of the American Branch of the International Law Association. Mr. Scrivner’s talk, entitled “Human Security, International Law, and Corporate Social Responsibility,” focused on various … Read more

Critical Analysis: Trans Pacific Partnership Negotiations Resume

The next round of negotiations on the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will be held in Singapore this month. This will be the 16th round of negotiations, and they will be held from March 4 to March 13, just seven months ahead of the self-imposed deadline for a deal. The Office of the United States Trade … Read more

The State of the Private Ends Debate

Sea Shepherd

It has been both interesting and informative to watch the debate over the meaning of piracy’s “private ends” requirement unfold between Kevin Jon Heller and Eugene Kontorovich at Opinio Juris and The Volokh Conspiracy, respectively. Over a series of successive posts (here, here, here, here, and here), they began to home in on the real … Read more

Human Security and Human Rights Panel Discussion

Promoting Human Security by advancing Human Rights

On March 2, 2013, the American Branch of the International Law Association held its Western Regional Conference on International Law and Human Security in the 21st Century.  The conference was held at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law in Denver, Colorado.  The third panel of the day was on Human Security and Human Rights.  … Read more

David Cameron Wants Out of the EU: What are the Risks and Rewards?

The Treaty of Maastricht established the European Union (“the EU”) under its current name in 1993.[1]  The Treaty included a Social Chapter that laid “down EU policies on workers’ rights and other social issues.”[2]  The Treaty also established an economic and monetary union, which required the Member States to (1) coordinate their economic policies, (2) … Read more