Should the ICC prosecute the Pope?

The Vatican

Last week, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) along with the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests filed a complaint urging the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate their allegation that the three top Vatican officials committed crimes against humanity in covering up rape and sexual assault committed by priests around the world. There … Read more

Jewish Justice for Convert Charles Taylor

Charles Taylor and the Jewish delicacy

A couple of years ago, former Liberian President and current war crimes indictee Charles Taylor converted to Judaism.   Somehow I missed this astounding fact.   From the perspective of Jews, could there be a less appealing candidate for conversion?  It is likely that Taylor will be convicted in the next month for his responsibility for … Read more

European integration – an overview of the European Union

Flags of the European Union

This blog post is the first in a series of three where I will be exploring the forthcoming changes of the European Human Rights system. In this post I intend to give an overview of the European Union. The second blog post will focus on the European Convention on Human Rights. Both these posts will … Read more

Part 6: Mianzi, Chinese Perspectives and Chinese Practice

Old and New China

Upon reflection, two divergent themes emerged from Judge Xue’s lectures.  Much of what she said made me realize that Western apprehension over China’s rapid ascension is somewhat misplaced and that the Chinese government is serious about using its power to improve the lives of its people.  It gave me confidence that China is likely to … Read more

Is remote killing easier than traditional combat?

DoD photo by Senior Master Sgt. David H. Lipp, U.S Air Force/Released

One argument against the unmanned drones that the United States currently uses in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan and against terrorist targets in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia is that because the drone pilot sits thousands of miles away from combat, operating the drone remotely, killing is easier — more akin to a video game than … Read more

2011 Guatemalan Presidential Elections: a Look into the Future?

Otto Pérez Molina

On September 11, 2011 Guatemalans casted their vote for their next President. Among the ten candidates, none is expected to garner an absolute majority to avoid a second runoff vote in November. One candidate in particular has critics concerned about the future direction of the country. That candidate is Otto Pérez Molina from the Partido Patriota. … Read more

2011 Guatemalan Presidential Elections: a Look into the Future?

Otto Pérez Molina

On September 11, 2011 Guatemalans casted their vote for their next President. Among the ten candidates, none is expected to garner an absolute majority to avoid a second runoff vote in November. One candidate in particular has critics concerned about the future direction of the country. That candidate is Otto Pérez Molina from the Partido Patriota. … Read more

An epiphany on killer drones

Predator Drone

I am currently finishing an article on autonomous killer drones – military robots that can go out, identify and kill enemy combatants without human supervision.  They don’t exist yet, but technology is inching us closer to that day.  54 countries are developing military robots and autonomy is a hot feature. My paper argues that autonomous … Read more

An argument for consecutive sentencing at International Tribunals

Lady Justice

On August 2nd, a Guatamalan court convicted four former soldiers for the murder of 201 people during the Guatamalan civil war in the 1980s. The court sentenced the four to 12,060 years each, which represents 60 years per victim – 30 for murder and 30 for a crime against humanity. Contrast that sentence with that … Read more