What Are the Top Social Risks Facing the Mining Industry?

“The [mining] industry’s relationship with society is both critical and under pressure”[1]. This statement made four years ago by Canada’s former Extractive Sector Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Counsellor is still as relevant today as it was back then, maybe even more. With metal prices on the rise, a trend that is expected to continue[2], conflicts … Read more

Do the Migrant Protection Protocols Really Protect Migrants?

A man looks towards the United States through a fence in Tijuana, Mexico.

The Migrant Protection Protocols (“MPP”) announced by Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”),Kirstjen Nielsen, in December 2018 were initially implemented in January 2019.[1] Recent litigation questioning the legal authority of DHS to implement what has been referred to as the “Remain in Mexico” policy, first resulted in an injunction[2] and then a ruling … Read more

The Misappropriation of Traditional Knowledge

“Traditional knowledge constitute[s] [an] integral [element] of indigenous peoples’ societies and cultures and, consequently, indigenous peoples’ rights to autonomy and self-governance [extends] to such knowledge.” – James Anaya, Former Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples[1] I. What is Traditional Knowledge? This article will discuss examples of misappropriation of traditional knowledge, existing international legal … Read more

The Impact of the European Union on American Businesses: Google Fined for Antitrust Violations

In March, the European Commission fined Google LLC and its parent company, Alphabet Inc. (Google), €1.49 billion (which equals almost $1.7 billion) for abusive online advertising practices that broke the European Union’s (EU) antitrust rules.[1] Google’s practices prevented or limited its rivals from working with companies that were doing business with Google and shielded Google … Read more

The Rise of Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a rising trend in business practices as consumers continue to demonstrate their preference for socially and environmentally conscious companies.[1] Though consumers, and their ethically use of buying power, are the predominant factor pushing companies towards socially and environmentally conscious practices, legal developments are also creating legally binding obligations for business … Read more

Spotlight Series: Dr. Aloysius (Louie) Llamzon

“Self-awareness is a single most important factor in anybody’s professional life,” says Aloysius (Louie) Llamzon, a senior associate at a world-class law firm, a recognized author, a husband, and a father of two. “Think about it,” he explains, “the ability to be forthright with what you are good at, and then to pursue it wholeheartedly … Read more

The Right to a Healthy Environment

The basic premise is that everyone deserves to live in an environment that does not harm their well-being and provides an adequate standard of living. Currently, the right to a healthy environment is not one that is internationally recognized as a human right. There are skeptics that claim that the environment and human rights are … Read more

How a Mosquito Bite Differs By Two Weeks

Now that the Zika virus has been confirmed in mosquitoes of Miami Beach, concern about the spread of the disease in the United States has taken on new urgency. Zika is a virus that is transferable by mosquito bite or sexual intercourse. Generally, in adults, the virus is harmless—causing common cold symptoms in an infected … Read more