When Law is not Enough: How to Eradicate Female Genital Mutilation

The practice of female genital mutilation (“FGM”) has many psychological, emotional, and physical effects.  The international community recognizes the practice FGM as a human rights violation.  There has been a global effort to eradicate the practice by both firmly categorizing FGM as a human rights violation and by making the practice illegal in countries where … Read more

Kudos to Senegal for ending female circumcision. Now, ICC, prosecute the remaining offenders…

ICC: Consider yourself on notice.

Kudos to Senegal for ending the horrific practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) as reported by the New York Times last weekend.  Leadership on this issue needs to come from Africa and so it is very encouraging to see Senegal act so decisively. However, in places like Sudan and Somalia 90% of the girls are … Read more