The Trump Administration’s New “Peace in the Middle East”: What does that Mean for Palestine?

On September 15, 2020, the Trump White House brokered the Abraham Accords between Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Bahrain, recognizing the normalization of relations between the three Middle Eastern states.[1] From the Trump administration’s perspective, this peace agreement bolsters President Trump’s image as a peacemaker and reaffirms the United States’ promise to, “help … Read more

Investment Mechanisms Driving the Tech Startup Boom in Palestine

Despite the ongoing Israeli military occupation, Palestinian technology startups have flourished in recent years, providing a glimpse of an independent economy and overall improved quality of life for Palestinians. While more traditional forms of industry—such as textiles, agriculture, and manufacturing—have failed under the obstacles of the occupation, the tech sector is uniquely poised to transcend … Read more

Critical Analysis: Gaza Conflict, Palestine, and the ICC

After a cease-fire ended the fifty day war between Gaza and Israel, Palestine wants to bring charges against Israeli individuals for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Therefore, Palestine has an important decision to make: become a state to the Rome Statute, which grants the ICC jurisdiction, or remain a non-member observer state and submit … Read more

Critical Analysis: United Nations Vote on Palestinian Statehood

On November 29, 2012, the U.N. General Assembly voted on Palestine’s bid to elevate its status within the U.N.  The resolution was to elevate Palestine’s status from a non-member observer entity to a non-member observer state, which is the same category as Vatican City.  The vote was not a close one.  The 193-member body voted … Read more

The Pink Elephant in the Room

The pink elephant in the room

What makes a Palestinian intifada different from other Arab revolutions?  David Aronofsky, University of Montana General Counsel and adjunct faculty member in the Schools of Law and Education, asked this very provocative question during this year’s Sutton Colloquium. The Colloquium, which hosted a diverse group of panelists from around the country, came to a rather … Read more

Israeli and Palestinian Women Commit Civil Disobedience

Mediterranean Sea in Israel

The New York Times recently published an article about a cohort of seemingly unlikely co-conspirators committing civil disobedience in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. A group of Israeli women smuggled a group of Palestinian women and girls from the southern part of the West Bank, through the Israeli barriers, across Israel to Jaffa, an urban … Read more