3 Ways the TPP Advances Human Rights Protections

Around the world, there are around ten million people in prison at any given time. While the world’s criminal justice systems struggle to ensure access to legal representation, a fair trial, and freedom from torture, some countries have been more successful than others. Other western countries are moving toward decarceration,[1] but politicians in the United … Read more

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Exploring concerns over an Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism

After years of negotiations, this week saw the conclusion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (“TPP”). The TPP unites eleven pacific-rim nations and the United States–a collection of 40% of global gross domestic product and one-third of world trade–making it the largest regional trade agreement in history. Although the terms of the agreement have not been … Read more

Critical Analysis: China’s ‘Island-building’ may suppress economic growth in Asia

 November 14, 2014 The dispute between Vietnam and China over the CNOOC oil rig has been resolved by the withdrawal of the 31,000 ton structure from the disputed area of the Paracel Islands, but the fight in the South China Sea is far from over. Vietnam, China, The Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, and Taiwan all have … Read more