Every 66 Hours. Dead or Disappeared. A Colonial Gendered Lens on Genocide: Case Study on Canada’s Genocide Against Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA People

Genocide is happening today, and it will be happening tomorrow. It is not yet time to tell volunteers to stop dredging the Red River for dead bodies of Indigenous women and girls nor time for red dresses to stop being hung on the Highway of Tears. There are dead bodies in the water. There are … Read more

Solving the U.S. Plastic Crisis: Chemical Recycling to Advance Plastic to Fuel Creation

A plastic crisis is currently gripping the United States with little reprieve in sight. With the unpredictability of the oil and gas market, major producers in the industry are turning their attention to the creation of plastic, resulting in the glut of existing avenues of recycling while overwhelming current landfills. To counter this substantial increase … Read more

Changing Tides Of The Nile: Analyzing Egypt’s Claim To Preserve Its Historical Water Rights

Ethiopia has nearly completed the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)—the largest dam in Africa capable of generating vast sums of clean electricity. The GERD, however, sits upon the Nile’s main tributary and threatens the water security of the Nile’s lower riparian nations, like Sudan and Egypt. Management of Nile resources is further complicated by the … Read more

The COVID-19 Pandemic in a Time of Deglobalization: Challenges and Perspectives for Global Governance and International Cooperation

This text assesses global governance and international cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic considering deglobalization. Issues with the functioning of global governance have highlighted flaws and gaps in the international cooperative architecture. The challenges arise from the legal nature of the WHO and its norms, multipolarity growth, institutional inertia, complexity of problems, and … Read more

Invigorating Enforcement Mechanisms of the International Labor Organization in Pursuit of U.S. Labor Objectives

The purpose of international labor law at the beginning of the twentieth century and a motivating influence behind the formation of the International Labor Organization (“ILO”) was the prevention of international competition that exploited the vacuum of labor regulation at the expense of workers.’ World governments were hesitant to institute greater protections for workers due … Read more

International Legal Problems in the Peaceful Use and Exploration of Outer Space

Advances in space science and technology have led to the evolution of a new rubric of international law that impacts upon public, private, and comparative law. In order to deal with the growing demands imposed by humankind on this embryo branch of jurisprudence, Professor Maurice Andem has selected the vital topics of international and regional … Read more

Indigenous Peoples’ Rights: Mabo and Others v. State of Queensland

Australian Aboriginals share the common heritage of indigenous peoples. It is a history of violent dispossession, followed by alternating neglect and paternalism, culminating in belated and bewildered concern.’ An international movement has evolved to rectify these wrongs.’ 1993 is to be the International Year of the World’s Indigenous Peoples” during which…

Human Security and Social Development

Global issues no less than community concerns influence social development, though the impact is not always apparent to those most closely involved. One of the harshest realities facing communities in the twenty-first century is the impact of a global economy as this is played out locally, whether on an American Indian reservation in Oregon or … Read more

Human Rights Violations by the U.S. Government Against Native Americans in the Passage and Enforcement of Pub. L. No. 93-531

Pub. L. 93-531 is the U.S. law behind the forced removal of over 10,000 people from their homeland,’ the largest relocation of an ethnic group since the internment of the Japanese during World War 11.2 This development examines the violations of international human rights law against the traditional Native Americans affected by Pub. L. No. … Read more