Critical Analysis: The Fifth Accused – Another One in Hiding?

Just when we thought it couldn’t get any more suspenseful – or complicated – the Prosecutor at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon indicts yet another suspect in the court’s current case, Prosecutor v. Ayyash et al. For those unfamiliar with the Lebanon Tribunal, it is an ad hoc court located on the outskirts of The … Read more

The U.S. Budget Gridlock: An International Perspective

The congressional gridlock over U.S. government funding and the debt limit during the month of October has left the rest of the world both bewildered and alarmed, particularly in Europe where the Euro countries have yet to fully recover from the their own financial crisis triggered by the confluence of the lingering consequences of the … Read more

Technology Takes on Trafficking: How Data Collection is Changing the International Fight Against Modern Slavery (Part 3 of 3)

This is the final blog of a series of three blog posts addressing technological solutions to combat human trafficking. This post analyzes the efforts private partnerships to encourage the application of technology to create anti-trafficking solutions. The first blog in this series discussed the scope of human trafficking worldwide, and domestic and international instruments designed … Read more

Critical Analysis: The Deliberate Campaign Against Christians in Syria

News of human rights abuses in Syria, ranging from the plight of more than two million refugees to the use of chemical weapons against civilians, has filled international headlines over the last few months.  Conspicuously absent from any significant media coverage, however, is the persecution of the Christians remaining in Syria.  Though all religious communities … Read more

Critical Analysis: Guatemalan Markets: Dominated by Monopolies

Although laws discussing the country’s disfavor for monopolies exist in Guatemala, the lack of enforcement and compliance with these laws has engendered a market riddled with monopolies and oligopolies.  Essentially, there is no antitrust, or “leyes de la competencia,” legislation currently in effect in the country, which turns the current laws into mere words without … Read more

Technology Takes on Trafficking: How Data Collection is Changing the International Fight Against Modern Slavery (Part 2 of 3)

This is the second blog of a series of three blog posts addressing technological solutions to combat human trafficking. This post discusses the importance of the increased use of technology in the fight against human trafficking and provides an overview of the scope of current research on technology and trafficking. The first blog in this … Read more

Critical Analysis: U.S. Federal Government Shutdown Impact on International Exports

As we wrap up week one of the federal government shutdown, impacts on international exports are being felt in a major way.  Visit the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) website and you find the following disclaimer: The Federal Government is currently shut down due to a funding lapse. As a result, … Read more

Technology Takes on Trafficking: How Data Collection is Changing the International Fight Against Modern Slavery (Part 1 of 3)

This is the first in a series of three blog posts addressing technological solutions to combat human trafficking. This post provides context on the issue of human trafficking, including a brief summary of the existing domestic and international legal instruments addressing it. The second blog will discuss the importance of the increased use of technology … Read more

Critical Analysis: The Internet: The Land of the Free?

“The Great Firewall of China” is well-recognized around the world as referring to China’s closed-internet policy.  Edward Snowden’s leaks advertised to the world that privacy online in America is more of a myth than an actuality.  But perhaps all of this is just leading to the next stage of internet freedom – not actual freedom, … Read more

Critical Analysis: Retrial begins in Italian murder case; defendants do not appear in court

The retrial of American Amanda Knox and her Italian ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito began in Florence, Italy on Monday, Sept. 30, 2013, and continued on Friday, Oct. 4, 2013. Knox and Sollecito were convicted in 2009 for the murder of Knox’s roommate Meredith Kercher; their conviction was overturned in 2011. The Italian Supreme Court overturned this … Read more