Critical Analysis: Google Earth Helps Inspire Human Rights Response Towards North Korea

North Korea has been a frequent topic in news headlines lately – from the country’s threat of a nuclear launch to Google CEO Eric Schmidt’s trip to Pyongyang.  However, another story that has been percolating just below the surface for years is just now starting to get attention: Google Maps’ and Google Earth’s revelation of … Read more

Critical Analysis: Death Sentences Announced in Egyptian Soccer Riots—Justice, or Continued Injustice?

On January 26, an Egyptian judge sentenced 21 people to death for their participation in a soccer game riot in February 2012. Dubbed the “massacre at Port Said,” the riot last year broke out after the Port Said-based Al-Masry team defeated Cairo’s Al-Ahly team. The riot left 74 dead, and 1,000 injured.  Intended to bring … Read more

The Bogotá Declaration and the Curious Case of Geostationary Orbit

In late 1976, eight “States traversed by the Equator” convened in Bogotá, Colombia to discuss their rights over a natural resource which—to them—had been unfairly removed from their sovereignty.  Specifically, these states felt that their rights to control natural resources had been unfairly abridged by Article II of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which cements … Read more

Critical Analysis: Mali’s Plea for Help Results in French Troops

After a plea from Mali’s interim president, Dioncounda Traoré, French troops were sent in last Thursday to help combat an Islamic group, closely associated with Al Qaeda, that has taken over parts of Northern Mali. The group has instituted Shariah Law in the region, dealing out harsh punishments such as hand and feet amputations, whippings, … Read more

Critical Analysis: Gang Rape Brings India’s Sexual Assault and Rape Laws Under Scrutiny

  On Sunday, December 16, 2012, in New Delhi, six men gang raped and brutally beat a 23-year old female university student resulting in her death. These events re-ignited an ongoing debate concerning India’s sexual assault and rape laws. The Indian government indicated that in 2011 they received more than 220,000 reports of violent crimes … Read more

Critical Analysis: Conflict Between M23 Rebels and the Congolese Army in Goma – How Must the International Community Respond?

Congo’s M23 rebels, a group comprised mostly of Tutsi defectors from the Congolese army, launched an uprising in Congo in the spring of 2012.  They have since been advancing in eastern Congo against the weak Congolese army.  On November 20th, the rebels invaded Goma, an eastern border city that had been thought a safe haven … Read more

Critical Analysis: A Fiscal Cliff Leading to Where?

Midnight, January first marks the twilight hour for Americans who have been holding their breath before taking the plunge that is the fiscal cliff. This cliff was meant to serve as a deterrent for Republicans and Democrats to reach a mutual compromise and avoid immediate spending cuts and tax hikes. However, both sides refused to … Read more

Critical Analysis: Russia’s Potential Ban on U.S. Adoptions

Over the last few years, the relationship between the United States and Russia in regards to international adoption has been tenuous at best. After several isolated incidents of Russian children suffering abuse, or even death, at the hands of their American adoptive parents, the State Duma passed a bill in July to help regulate international … Read more

Critical Analysis: South America’s Most Controversial President has More Surgery as the Future of Venezuelan Politics Blurs

As of December 18th, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez remains in stable condition as he continues to undergo cancer treatment in Cuba. The Venezuelan government reported that Chavez, 58, had recently suffered a respiratory infection but is now resting. Chavez remains in Cuba and is recovering from another surgery to fight cancer that is believed to … Read more