Critical Analysis: The Risk of Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals and How to Stem the Flow

Though the term is defined differently in different countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) has come up with a working definition of what constitutes a counterfeit drug in an effort to understand the global implications of counterfeit pharmaceuticals and to facilitate the exchange of information between countries regarding this issue.  An estimated 5% of world … Read more

Critical Analysis: What does territory annexation and secession look like in the modern world?

Russia’s recent annexation of Ukraine raises an interesting question: What is required for legal territory annexation or secession under international law? It is illegal under international law to annex territory by coercion or force, but the possibility remains that one country can annex the territory of another through “legal” means. Russia’s actions in annexing Crimea … Read more

Critical Analysis: Turkey’s Failed Ban On Twitter

On March 20, 2014, Turkey blocked its citizens from the social media website, Twitter. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is the main culprit for this act. During a campaign rally, he stated “Now there is a court order. Twitter, mwitter, we will eradicate it all.” His purported reason behind the block: privacy concerns. Prime … Read more

The Smart Grid: How the International Community is Combating Climate Change (Part 2 of 3)

This is the second blog post in a series of three blog posts proposing that the Smart Grid is a possible contributing remedy to fighting global climate change.  This post analyzes the Smart Grid on a more country-specific level and discusses how the United States, the European Union, and China define and value the Smart … Read more

Critical Analysis: The Effectiveness of Current Laws Regulating the International Exotic Bird Pet Trade

The international pet trade for exotic animal species is a highly lucrative, multi-billion dollar enterprise, second only to drugs and weapons on the black market. Notably, exotic birds are one of the most significantly impacted species by the international pet trade industry. The number of exotic birds in the wild has dramatically declined in recent … Read more

Critical Analysis: Brazil’s Oil and Land Use Rights

Would you like to strike it rich through the purchase of land use rights? Consider bidding on the next oil and gas auction by the Brazilian government. Two of the most popular offerings by Brazil are described below. Sedimentary Basin Brazil enacted Law No. 9.478 (“Petroleum Law”) in 1997 to establish Concession Agreements, the contracts … Read more

The Smart Grid: How the International Community Is Combating Climate Change (Part 1 of 3)

This is the first blog post in a series of three blog posts proposing that the Smart Grid is a possible contributing remedy to fighting global climate change.  This post provides context about global climate change in general and details what the Smart Grid is.  The second blog post discusses the Smart Grid on a … Read more

Critical Analysis: The Resurgence of the Modern Baby Box

Baby hatches (also called baby boxes) are not an entirely modern concept, as their use can be traced back to medieval times.  Their purpose has also largely remained the same: to allow a mother to anonymously leave the child in a safe and protected place, the baby box, when she feels she is not capable … Read more

Critical Analysis: Pride and History at Stake in ICJ Ruling Defining Maritime Border Between Peru and Chile

About a month ago, the International Court of Justice at the Hague (“ICJ”) issued a ruling in a dispute between Peru and Chile that was instigated in 2008. Over 14,000 square miles of ocean in international waters were at stake. The ruling granted Peru control over the majority of the disputed waters, but Chile retained … Read more