Critical Analysis: Global Piracy Still a Major Problem

News of global piracy has faded into the background of the international arena for some, but many countries are still dealing with it. While an international maritime anti-fraud agency has reported a 54 percent reduction in piracy attacks off the Somali coast, recent attacks show that piracy is still a major global problem. The same … Read more

Critical Analysis: Emerging LGBT Rights Across the United Nations

On October 2nd, Ukrainian lawmakers passed a law that would imprison a person for up to five years for positively representing homosexuality.  Human rights groups condemned the law as Soviet era oppression, which considered homosexuality a crime. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights spoke out against the law, stating that the legislation was clearly … Read more

Critical Analysis: Libya Consulate Attack Sparks Backlash Against Militias

The attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, provoked widespread outrage not only in the international community, but among Libyans themselves. In the weeks since the attack, thousands of Libyans have joined protests against the radical militia believed responsible, as well as other militias … Read more

After a Brief Hiatus, Kenya Once Again Has Universal Jurisdiction Over Pirates

On October 18, the Kenyan Court of Appeal in Nairobi handed down a pivotal decision in In re Mohamud Mohammed Hashi, et al. It held that Kenya has jurisdiction to try piracy suspects whose alleged acts occurred beyond the country’s territorial waters. Due to Kenya’s central role in the emerging global network of piracy prosecutions, the … Read more

Critical Analysis: Libya Elects New Prime Minister

Libya’s 200 member national congress has elected Ali Zidan as its new prime minister.  Zidan, a former Congressman and human rights lawyer, won 93 votes, securing a majority for him from those present and voting.  Zidan, an independent, beat a candidate favored by the Justice and Construction party,a party linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. The … Read more

Critical Analysis: The Role of the United States in Syria

The Syrian crisis is a hot topic in the U.S. Presidential election.  Republican candidate Mitt Romney has criticized President Barack Obama’s policies in Syria and suggested that the United States should take a tougher stance on ensuring rebels receive the assistance they need.  So far, the Obama administration has limited its assistance to “non-lethal support,” … Read more

Critical Analysis: China Continues Developing Hydropower Dams Along the Mekong River

China recently announced that its Nuozhadu Dam, the largest dam on the upper reaches of the Mekong River, has begun generating electricity.  The Nuozhadu Dam joins four other Chinese dams along the Upper Mekong River, all commissioned to help China double its overall hydropower capacity to 300 gigawatts by 2020.  The Nuozhadu itself will eventually … Read more

Critical Analysis: Syrian Passenger Plane Forced Down by Turkey

Turkish fighter jets forced a Syrian passenger plane to land in Ankara, the Turkish capital, on October 10.  The plane was suspected of carrying weapons from Russia.  The airliner was traveling from Moscow to Damascus with only thirty-five passengers and two crew members, even though the plane’s maximum capacity is one hundred eighty passengers.  Turkish … Read more

Critical Analysis: Labor Unrest in South Africa

For nearly two months, labor unrest in South Africa has crippled the economy, as workers in nearly every sector demand higher wages. The unrest has led to temporary closures of many platinum mines around the country as owners and laborers face off over pay and working conditions. Strikes at platinum producer Lonmin PLC left 46 … Read more